Youth Ministry


The parish communities of OLS & OLGC have joined forces for TWO amazing Youth Ministry teams. Our Edge Youth Ministry program is for junior high students (gr. 6-8). Edge meets two times each month on Friday evenings from 6-8pm. Our Pulse Youth Ministry program is for high school students (gr. 9-12). Pulse regularly meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 6:30-8:30pm at Our Lady of Sorrows. 

Our goal is to create a safe, welcoming, and fun environment for youth to find a solid Catholic community, get the answers that they are searching for and most importantly experience Jesus in a profound, real and life changing way. We do this through great food, new friends, a core team that cares, a parish that supports us, and lots and lots of prayer. Join us today!

Junior High Youth Ministry

High School Youth Ministry



Life Teen Youth Ministry | St. Maria Goretti Parish

Kathy Hamilton
Our Lady of Good Counsel & Our Lady of Sorrows 
Junior High Youth Minister  |  607.748.7417

Tori Reynolds 
Our Lady of Good Counsel & Our Lady of Sorrows 
High School Youth Minister  |  607.748.8287